Kamis, 03 April 2008

mY wAll

I have a wall you cannot see
Because it's deep inside of me
It blocks my heart on every side
And lets my emotions hide
You can’t reach in
You can’t reach out
And you wonder what its all about

This wall I have that you can’t see
Results from what was done to me
Each time my heart was hurt
The scars within grew worse and worse
So brick by brick I built this wall
I made it so thick it will not fall

I know this process will be slow
For its never easy to let things go
For just by brick by brick I laid
With every hurt and every pain
It's really hard to let you In
Thinking I might get hurt again

So brick by brick this wall will break
As love replaces every ache
This wall has fallen and I am free
But some of the debris is still
Deep inside of me

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